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Just to let you know, darlings, I own no pictures whatsoever on this website. All credit goes to the respective owners / artists. If I use any Deviantart pictures, I'll also state the artist's DA name here and post a link to their account.


I make absolutely no money off this website, and I claim no artwork present here as mine.


Also, beware of spoilers darlings. I suggest you don't go running around the entire website if you haven't yet gotten there with the story - unless you just don't care about spoilers, in which case you're more than welcome to run around as much as you like.

The hooded female picture I used on the very first page of the website was made by the awesomely talented Cris Ortega. Below is a link to her gallery website. Go check it out, her art is simply breathtaking.

The pictures of Kara's attires for Timeless were made on DollDivine's website. All art belongs to OLa, I only claim the ideas on how to combine the items she has so beautifully drawn. Below is a link to her website, go check it out and let your imagination run wild, lovelies.

The picture I used for the goddess of death, Hel, in Selfless was created by a fantastically talented artist, DeivCalviz. All art belongs to him, I claim no ownership whatsoever of the picture; I only added a layer of clothing to her, for the sake of my underage readers (yes, I know you're there, you naughty kids); I have also changed her eye color because according to mythology, Hel is Loki's daughter and I always fancied the idea that she inherited his green eyes. Below is a link to his Deviantart account, go check it out and leave him some love, darlings. He deserves it~

The picture I used for the dragon Nidhoggr in Selfless was created by the stunningly talented Leah Keeler. All art belongs to her, I claim no ownership whatsoever of the picture. Below is a link to her Deviantart account, go check it out, darlings. Her art is pure addiction and it's bound to entrance you for hours on end - it just allows your imagination to run wild and free. I promise you won't be disappointed, she is utterly amazing.

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